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LiveGood Power Hour

You can build your LiveGood business in one hour per day. Get organized and have a system in place. Pick the tasks from this list that make sense to you and do them daily (five to six days every week.) Spend 30 minutes on lead generation, 15 minutes on follow up and 15 minutes on duplication.

Follow Up 

(15 Minutes)

  • -Reach out to 5 people on Social Media

    -Re-engage with 1 rep who quit

    -Follow up with 5 people

    -Respond to spam messages

  • Lead Generation

    (30 Minutes)

  • -Mail 10 postcards to prospects

    -Publish curiosity post on Social Media

    -Add 10 new friends on Social Media

    -Respond to spam messages

    -Insert a link in footer of your emails

    -Publish content about LiveGood

    -Publish a video on YouTube

    -Publish a blog about LiveGood

    -Publish a podcast

    -Offer free valuable content 

    -Offer free sample to prospects

    -Message people on LinkedlIn

    -Post 3 message in LinkedlIn groups

    -Share a testimonial 

    -Share your back story 

    -Publish a sales funnel

    -Build a list of customers & Reps

    -Advertise to get leads

  • Duplication

    (15 Minutes)

    • -Email 5 team members to offer help

      -Do a contest with another member

      -Introduce yourself to a new member

      -Help a member with any task needed

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